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The current sick care system meets us mostly after we become sick. Operating under the assumption that the major diseases which kill 90% of Americans (such as cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular disease) are all separate with different causes, our sick care system has been divided into specialties such as oncology, endocrinology neurology and cardiology. But if it’s true these diseases are unrelated, then why we do not get most cancers in our 20s, or heart attacks in our 30s, or Alzheimer’s at age 18, or diabetes at age 24? Typically, these diseases are seen much later in life. The answer is that most of these diseases are related to aging.
Our approach to a more effective health care system is to slow the rate of biological aging and create a wider spread between biological age and chronological age. Our disruptive science is called juventology and it aims to find ways to keep the body younger. To date, we’ve had numerous scientific breakthroughs. One of our key discoveries was unlocking the benefits of periodic fasting (fasting for more than two days). Our research showed that periodic fasting induces a special stress leading to cellular rejuvenation – a powerful mechanism for slowing cellular aging. We’ve also discovered that periodic fasting may be used to treat diseases in patients by triggering this survival defense mode so we’ve made this the basis of our ongoing research and product development efforts.
Seeing the importance of research into the benefits of periodic fasting, and the need to make it safe and more tolerable, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) approved grants in the millions of dollars which supported breakthrough discoveries, and the Small Business Administration (SBA) provided funding which supported the development of the Fasting Mimicking Technology. This technology is based on a specific nutritional formulation platform which provides nourishment to the body while keeping cells in a fasting mode – providing many health benefits and enhancement of a biological aging score from periodic fasting. Using Fasting Mimicking Technology is fasting. But with food. Making it effective and much safer and easier to do than traditional water-only fasting. In addition, the potential for treating disease with specifically tailored Fasting Mimicking Technology formulations is profound.
Given that food is one of the only things we put in our body multiple times per day, it has the potential to be among the most powerful anti-aging medicines, or pro-aging disease. So, we are leading the science of Longevity Through Nutrition (hence the name P-NATURE).
Our goal is to bring these and other science-based programs to the world and finally turn sick care into health care.
Valter Longo, Ph.D., has thirty years of experience in the field of longevity and healthy nutrition. He is the Director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California – Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, Los Angeles, and the Director of the Longevity and Cancer Program at the IFOM, The Italian Foundation for Cancer Research (FIRC) Institute of Molecular Oncology in Milan, Italy.
He is the author of the best seller “The Longevity Diet” and the two Italian books Alla tavola della longevità (“At the Table of Longevity”), and La longevità inizia da bambini” (“Longevity Begins in Childhood”). Professor Longo is also the scientific director of the Create Cures Foundation and the Valter Longo Foundation. In 2018, TIME Magazine named Professor Longo as one of the 50 most influential people in health care for his research on fasting-mimicking diets as a way to improve health and prevent disease.
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